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Red Dot Packaging Design Winner 2020 - el origen

Red Dot Packaging Design Winner 2020

We are super happy and proud: The design of our el origen organic plantain and manioc chips was awarded by the Red Dot Design Award 2020.We now have one more reason to be happy when we see our chips in a shop.

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REWE Süd wir kommen 🚀❤️ - el origen

REWE Süd we are coming

We can be found in the first REWE Süd stores and are mega excited 🤩! Those of you who live in Bavaria and love our crunchy Bio Chips are more than welcome to drop by and support us.

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Im Schatten der Pandemie: Die Amazonasregion in Gefahr - el origen

In the shadow of the pandemic: The Amazon region in danger

If you look at the latest news, you are usually confronted with one topic: the corona pandemic. In doing so, other news fade into the background, such as the threat to the Amazon rainforest. There, trees are currently being felled at a rapid pace - due to conditions created by Covid-19. Hardly anyone reports about this - even though huge areas of forest are being lost at the moment. It is difficult to summarize the extent of the danger in a few sentences. Nevertheless we would like to try to give a small insight into the situation. The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest on our planet.

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Ein neuer Alltag: Hallo Corona-Blues - el origen

A new everyday life: Hello Corona-Blues

After getting up, take an online yoga class, do your daily workout in the morning, enjoy a piece of banana bread in the afternoon while reading the new book and putting on a face mask. This is exactly how many people would like to be when they think about the current pandemic - This ideal image is presented to us by the social media. The reality often looks different - the apartment is transformed: into an office, playground, restaurant and recreation area all at once.

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Unsere Kochbananen Chips sind der Gewinner des Good Food Award 2020 🎉 - el origen

Our plantain chips are the winner of the Good Food Award 2020

For the fifth time in a row, the editorial departments of the two major lifestyle and fitness magazines in Germany have granted the Good Food Awards. The jury of food editors from WOMEN'S HEALTH and MEN'S HEALTH tested our el origen plantain chips in detail and was so convinced that they awarded them the Good Food Award 2020.

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#HHfüreinanderda - Gewinnspiel der Hamburger Foodstartups - el origen

#HHfüreinanderda - Gewinnspiel der Hamburger Foodstartups

In der aktuellen Krise gilt es zusammenzuhalten und füreinander da zu sein. Habt Ihr schon mal überlegt, wer aktuell euer / eure Held*in ist? Die Person, die euch in dieser herausfordernden Zeit eine echte Stütze ist? Wer findet die passenden Worte, wenn du dich schlecht fühlst? Wer trocknet deine Tränen? Wer bringt etwas Farbe und Freude in deinen Alltag? Wir haben uns mit 20 weiteren Hamburger Foodstartups zusammengetan und als kleinen Beitrag in dieser Situation Care-Pakete für eure Lieblingsperson gepackt. Verschenkt eine virtuelle Umarmung und macht der Person eine Freude, die euch am Herzen liegt.

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Alles Bio: 6 Gründe, warum auch du auf Bio-Lebensmittel umsteigen solltest - el origen

All organic: 6 reasons why you too should switch to organic food

Due to the increasing information of environmental disasters and food scandals, many of us are beginning to rethink our own habits. As consumers, we are becoming increasingly critical in our choice of products. Where does the product come from? How was it produced? What is behind it? Can I eat it without hesitation? At the same time, many people are becoming more aware of their own diet and the impact of their own consumption on the climate. One way to minimize their ecological footprint is to buy food that comes from ecologically controlled cultivation.

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Let’s grow together - el origen

Let's grow together


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